
Monarch: George the Third, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland King, Defender of the Faith.

Management: ★★★
Born: 1738 (age 67)
Character Traits: 
              • Nonsensical Outbursts
              • Drawing Room Philosopher

Position Minister Management Appointed Character Traits
Prime Minister Nathan Thornill ★★★★ Early Jan. 1805 (age 44) Bon Vivant, Stallholder
Chancellor of the Exchequer William Huskisson ★★★★★★ Early Jan. 1805 (age 36) Something of a Banker, Capitalist, Governess
Lord Chancellor John Scott ★★★★ Early Jan. 1805 (age 56) Agrarian
Secretary at War Justin Chambers ★★★★ Late Jan. 1805 (age 29) Agrarian
First Lord of the Admiralty Henry Dundas ★★★★★★★★ Early Jan. 1805 (age 64) Incorruptible, Fond of Sailors, Agrarian

Former Cabinet
Position Minister Management Appointed Retired Character Traits
Prime Minister William Pitt ★★★ Early Jan. 1805 Early Jan. 1805 (age 46) Upright
Chancellor of the Exchequer William Huskisson ★★★★★★ Early Jan. 1805 Late Jan. 1805 (age 46) Morally Impaired

Minister Management Appointed Character Traits
Donald Wood ★★★ Early Jan. 1805 (age 34)
Orson Bull ★★★ Early Jan. 1805 (age 38) Jug Head
Gayelord Lynch ★★★ Early Jan. 1805 (age 42)
Edgar Ridge ★★★ Early Jan. 1805 (age 27)
Jeffrey Kitchin ★★★ Early Jan. 1805 (age 36)

Position Name Skill Service Character Traits Notes
Spy Percival Sloughter ★★★ Early Jan. 1805 (age 21) Assassin
Gentleman Joss Hathaway ★★★ Early Jan. 1805 (age 32) Lawyer